What if the client is involved in an accident in our rental vehicle?


Not At Fault

If your client is involved in a not at fault accident then the at fault insurance company will take care of the claim for the damage.

At Fault

If your client is at fault then the claim will need to be processed through your insurance.  We suggest discussing with your broker a policy that will allow the choice of repairer so you can repair the vehicle in your own shop to your standard.

When it comes to excess payments, a commercial insurance policy carries a commercial excess limit which can be a few thousand dollars.  There is an daily charge on each invoice called ‘excess reduction’  which reduces the clients excess liability in the vehicle to the same excess amount on their own policy.  As a client would not reasonably be expected to pay a commercial excess, this charge helps to mitigate the overall liability you as a repairer must carry as the owner of a commercial vehicle.

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